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22' Bay Boat Molds (Sold)

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by 123ronc, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. 123ronc
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    123ronc New Member

    We are selling the molds for the former Hill Tide 22' bay boat. Included in the sale is the molds for the hull, deck, hatches (top and bottom), buckets (no anchor locker bucket), stringer grid and one console. Price is one new, current and unused Evinrude G2 250 H.O. motor and all associated rigging (seller to select motor colors). The hull mold was made by Stottcraft and is a derivative of a SeaPro hull. The deck is an original design with an anchor locker, storage locker, forward baitwell, rod lockers, cast net locker, bilge access, rear baitwell and two rear jump seats. Photos of boats built from the molds can be seen at http://www.bonefishboats.com/hill-tide-22-gallery.
  2. T. Grant
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    T. Grant New Member

    How much are you asking for the molds?
  3. 123ronc
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    123ronc New Member

    One new, current and unused Evinrude G2 250 HO motor and all associated rigging (panel and strip color to be specified by me).
  4. Billfisherman
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    Billfisherman Junior Member

    Pm sent. I'm interested. Does bonefish still have these molds?

  5. 123ronc
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    123ronc New Member

    The molds are sold.
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