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15' Fiberglass canoe mold for sale

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by canoemold4sale, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. canoemold4sale
    Joined: Dec 2011
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    canoemold4sale New Member

    I have a 15 ft fiberglass canoe mold for sale. It was left in a storage warehouse so I don't know anything about it other than the measurements. It is 15' long, 25" wide at the widest point in the center and has approx 13" high sides. It is just the female portion of the mold (no plug). It is in very good condition.

    Please email me at info@guardian-monitoring.com if you have an interest in it. It is located near Madison, WI.
  2. duckboat
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    duckboat New Member

    what Condition is it in.?Wax and pull or needs work ?How much do you want for it ? Could you sent me a pic ?
    I think I bought the a 15 ft from you a year or so ago. Are you around annarbor Mi?
    email me at apoklis@poklis.org
  3. canoemold4sale
    Joined: Dec 2011
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    canoemold4sale New Member

    15ft canoe mold for sale

    I am not a fiberglass expert, but it seems to be ready to use. The gel coat seems to be in good condition.

    I have no idea how much it is worth. I am not looking to get top dollar for it. Just looking to put a dent in the storage fees the former owner racked up ($2500).

  4. carlhmartens
    Joined: May 2012
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    carlhmartens New Member

    How much?

  5. Speedboater
    Joined: May 2012
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    Speedboater New Member

    is the mold still for sale?? how much are you asking?
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