Patrol Boat Design Structure

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sifundo, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. sifundo
    Joined: Mar 2014
    Posts: 7
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    Location: South Africa

    sifundo Junior Member

    Thanks BertKU, you have been very helpful!

  2. BertKu
    Joined: May 2009
    Posts: 2,521
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    Location: South Africa Little Brak River

    BertKu Senior Member

    It was a pleasure.

    However Sifundo, approx. 50% are always negative and 50% are always positive replies. If you had indicated , you are a student, 50% would have given you excellent responses, provided you explained a little more and given a little more detailed information.

    If you are a youngster who is busy designing a computer game, also here with a little more information without giving the game away, you would have had excellent replies.

    If you are a female secretary who got the task from your boss, all male forum members would have crawled and got out of the way to please you and to help you.

    If you are a black person who, like ESKOM and other state enterprises pushed all the top qualified engineers out of the way, you would still have lots of people helping you. But to get an answer on how long it takes to walk from Cape Town to London, without stating whether you are on crutches, can ride a bicycle or even have a car license or a pilot license or you want to swim, is the same wrong question as you have posted in the first thread.

    Come forward with answers on the questions forum members have asked you and you get sublime and superb answers. Bert
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