The new project I am working - Dutch Barge 12m

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by micspoko, May 4, 2011.

  1. micspoko
    Joined: Jul 2010
    Posts: 238
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    Location: Poland

    micspoko Senior Member

    This is not finished design but I'm curious about your opinion

    LOA 12m
    Breadth: 3,93m
    Draft: 0,6m
    1 Cabin on stern for 2 persons
    1 Cabin on bow for 2 persons

    Attached Files:

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      138.6 KB
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  2. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Don't like the bow and aft deck, windows too big. Prefer Portugese bridge. Looks good under the water line. Might look better with a stuby mast.
  3. cthippo
    Joined: Sep 2010
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    cthippo Senior Member

    I like the stern, but the bow flair is too much IMHO.

    What are you doing the drawings in?
  4. micspoko
    Joined: Jul 2010
    Posts: 238
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    Location: Poland

    micspoko Senior Member

    I am using rhinoceros for design
  5. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    I think it looks okay but it's use would really dictate what I think of how it "looks" (i.e. functions).


  6. Dean Smith

    Dean Smith Previous Member

    I have researched what people buy in Europe and I think that you should too.
    It is an extremely competitive market and I do not see this boat fitting in
    I recommend spending a few hours in the gallery pages here.
    Good luck
    i think chippo means --sweep of sheer forewards there is little flare:)
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