Need AutoShip users' help

Discussion in 'Software' started by yuyewuyuconan, Apr 9, 2017.

  1. yuyewuyuconan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    yuyewuyuconan Junior Member

    I have a *.gf file ,any one can help me to transform IGS or dxf file .
    My email is
    Thanks in advance.

    Attached Files:

      File size:
      71.7 KB
  2. Olav
    Joined: Dec 2003
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    Olav naval architect

    Please see attached file...

    Attached Files:

  3. yuyewuyuconan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    yuyewuyuconan Junior Member

    ty, but the file contains 35000+ surface ,i can't import it with so many surfaces.
    Can you export auto created bodyline to me ?
  4. yuyewuyuconan
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    yuyewuyuconan Junior Member

    loa 88.1

    sec: tran -7.8144 -3.9072 3.9072 0 11.7216 15.6288 23.4432
    31.2576 39.072 46.8864 54.7008 62.5152 66.4224 70.3296
    74.2368 78.144 82.0512

    wl:0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ....
    bl:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9.5

    i wil try import it by rhinoceros, patran and starcm+ failure.

  5. yuyewuyuconan
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    yuyewuyuconan Junior Member

    have imported by rhinoceros
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