gunnel gunwale corner caps

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by garrybull, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. garrybull
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    garrybull Senior Member

    im looking for some one who sell gunnel , gunwale corner caps to fit a pvc fender rubber.

    i can't find any one in the uk that makes them.

    all i can find is end caps.

    this is the pvc fender im fitting

    im looking to buy the fender on friday and need to find some where i can get corner caps from.

    the fender doe's not go round corners very well and goes out of shape.

    i could cut it and glue it back together and that would look nasty.
  2. Dave T
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    Dave T Senior Member

    Could you cut a 45 degree V notch in just the back side and then bend it around the corner. It would actually be a 90 degree notch 45 degrees to each side of center.
  3. garrybull
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    garrybull Senior Member

    thats exactly what i was trying to avoid.

    i know i can glue it together but it will never look very good.

    i have ordered a pair of end caps from australia but they are a little too big so will wait for them to turn up and see if i can do anything with them.

    cutting the fender will be the last resort.
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