Calico Jack - New boat build in progress - blog with videos

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by CalicoJack, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. CalicoJack
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    CalicoJack New Member


    This seems like the correct place to post this info..

    We're building a new sailing ship in Indonesia, a classic wooden 25 meter Phinsi design, handmade by local master craftsmen on the beach in Sulawesi using traditional methods..

    We've just launched our new website, which will follow this build over the next year or two.

    There quite a bit of info already online, cad designs, history etc and some videos including the ceremony of the laying of the hull section, involving the local craftsmen and spiritual leaders. We have a documentary animation crew also onsite working on a film to be released later...

    Hope you find it interesting..check the site for more info

    happy sailing.
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