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Page iv_____________________________________VOLUME III_____________________________________INDEX
INTRODUCTION.............................. jj
JOB 1 - LAYING DOWN PATTERNS.................... 1
Task 1. Laying Down Lofting Floor................... 1
Task 2. Laying Down Paper Lofting Patterns ........................................................ 1
Task 3. Covering Lofting Patterns................... 1
JOB 2- MAKING HULL MOLD FRAMES.................. 2
JOB 3-MAKING STRONGBACKS..................... 5
Task 1. Strongback Main Bearers.................... 5
Task 2. Strongback Sleepers..................... 5
Task 3. Leveling the Strongbacks ................... 5
Task 4. Cross Members and Center Line................. 5
JOB 4-ERECTING HULL MOLD FRAMES................. 6
Task 1. Erecting Hull Mold Frames................... 7
Task 2. Plumbing and Bracing Hull Mold Frames ............. 7
Task 3. Hull Mold Frames Rechecked for Plumb.............. 7
Task 4. Leveling the Hull Mold Frames................. 7
Task 5. Transom Frames....................... 8
Task 6. Stem Frames........................ 8
Task 7. Applying Fairing Battens ................... 8
JOB 5- PLANKING THE HULL MOLD................... 9
Task 1. The Stem ......................... 9
Task 2. The Sheer and Deck Joint................... 9
Task 3. The Hull.......................... 10
Task 4. The Transom........................ 11
Task 5. Trimming Stem and Transom.................. 12
Task 6. Marking Out Bulkheads and Webs................ 13
Task 7. Marking Out Engine Bearers ............................................. ........................... 13
Task 1. Plastic Mold Cover........................................................................................ 14
Task 2. Folding and Cutting Mesh................... 15
Task 3. Bending and Cutting Starter Rods................ 16
Task 4. First Four Layers of Mesh................... 16
Task 5. Making the Keel Shoe..................... 16
Task 6. Positioning Keel Shoe..................... 17
Task 7. Stem Reinforcing Rods.................... 18
Task 8. Welding Keel Shoe to Hull Reinforcing.............. 18
Task 9. Placing Rods with Air-Power Staple Guns............. 18
Task 10. Reinforcing at the Deadwood.................. 19
Task 11. Deck Starter Rods...................... 20
Task 12. Two Layers of Mesh Between the Reinforcing Rods......... 21
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